The term watch servicing refers to taking apart a watch to clean and repair it. This is because watches require regular maintenance, which can often be costly. If you are thinking about bringing your watch into the market or have just brought an old one passed down through the family for generations, you will most likely need some help with servicing it.

When the watchmaker takes apart your watch, they will remove any worn parts and replace them with new ones. This includes everything from the dials and hands to the watch's main body. The cost of servicing a watch will depend on how large a watch you need to have repaired, but it can range anywhere from $500 to $800 per watch.

Two Types Of Watch Servicing

There are two different methods by which a watch can be serviced. There is no set price for the service, but both methods tend to be fairly expensive. Over the years, watchmakers have developed the process and techniques necessary to service watches efficiently.

The two techniques are "simple servicing" and "full servicing." The main difference between the two techniques is how much work each can perform. Simple servicing involves only a single step: removing parts from the watch and replacing them with new ones.


The goal of simple servicing is to clean, oil, and lubricate an item to be used confidently again until it needs more work performed on it. On the other hand, full servicing involves much more than simple servicing. Full servicing involves removing and replacing many different parts of the watch.

It can also involve replacing any worn jewels and crystals and adjusting anything that is not working properly. The goal of full servicing is to restore an item to working condition to continue to serve its original purpose until or unless it needs refurbishing again in the future.

Why Do People Get Their Watch Serviced From Time To Time?

Watch repair or replacement can be costly. If you don't have the budget, you can opt for servicing it instead.